
hope guides me

I love when I leave church and I can still feel the wheels turning. When it wakes up something inside of me that needs to be examined, that needs to be addressed. And because I go to such a rockin' church, this event happens pretty much weekly.

Where am I placing my hope?

You know, hope. The thing that gets you through the day, & especially the night {& yes, that is a quote from A Knight's Tale.} The thing that when all else fails, when everywhere you look things are falling apart, it keeps you together. Honest answer? Myself. I put my hope in myself. I'm the only person I can trust out here in this cruel world, right? I'm independent, I've gotten myself this far, & I know what's best for me. I wish I could say these last couple of sentences were past tense, that they were the way I used to feel. But these are thoughts and feelings that pass through my mind daily, like breathing. The reality is that this is all false. I fail myself every moment, and I can't do it all myself. Actually, I can't do any of it myself. 

"O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption." -Psalm 130:7

With Him is full redemption. And His love is unfailing. He is the reason I am who I am today, the reason I am where I am today, and the reason that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I get to spend eternity praising Him. How dare I place my hope in anything but Jesus? And how shaky of a foundation is it for me to stand on my abilities rather than His? His who have been proven for centuries, and have been proven every day of my existence?  He's the one who brings hope to the hopeless, joy to the joyless, peace to the anxious. And without Him I am all of those things. Thank you Jesus, that I don't have to try to do this on my own. My hope is in the Lord, the maker of heaven & earth.

Where's yours?

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