
it was a really awkward + awesome week...

-I flew to and from Houston this weekend for a friend’s wedding, in the worst weather Houston’s seen in months. Flight’s delayed all over the place. 3 hour delay getting out of Houston. So much potential for awkward. Like sitting in a terminal restaurant by myself. Or attempting to curl up small enough to sleep in a chair. Or actually falling asleep and waking myself up by slamming my head into the wall next to me. I’m sure I was at least entertaining to watch.
-For those of you who don’t know from facebook or twitter, I quit my job yesterday. Before you panic, I have another one lined up, as the assistant manager at Frock Candy. I’m so excited for this new adventure and all the things it brings, but is there anything more awkward than coming to work after you’ve put in your notice? I vote no. I’m committed to coming in and working just as hard as I did before, but it’s just weird. If you’ve been here, you know.
-Have you seen Lindsay Lohan lately? She's breaking my heart. I wish someone would pin her down, dye her hair back to that pretty red, take all the fillers out of her face, make her eat a burger, and quit being so crazypants. She was my favorite when I was a kid! It just makes me so sad.
-I couldn’t decide whether to put this under awkward or awesome, so let’s just call it an awkwardawesome. Come to find out, my hair hates Texas water. So while getting ready for the wedding in Houston this weekend, I get out of the shower, blow dry my hair, and start freaking out. My hair feels like it’s covered it wax, the roots look like I haven’t washed in a week, and it’s just bad. I commence complaining and whining for the next 10 minutes while my sweet friend Johnna helps me with dry shampoo and encouragement, until she’d had enough, looks at the clock, and says “are you hungry? Do we need to feed you?”. It may go down as one of the best moments of our friendship, and that’s saying a lot. I love that she knows me well enough to realize that the overreaction was due to hunger.
-Hair topic #2: what this weather is doing to my hair. Here in LA it’s about 72 degrees and muggy as heck. It’s gross. So horse-tail thick, trying-to-grow-it-out length hair is freaking out. No matter how many times & how well I wash it, it feels like it’s got too much conditioner it in and is waxy and gross. Is this happening to anyone else, or just me?!

-Watching two people I love very much and that love each other very much become husband and wife. It just never gets old. I continue to believe there is not much more beautiful that than. Oh, and the beyond epic dance party that followed. I love my friends.
-Quitting my job. That was awesome. Well, probably only because I’ve been miserable for about 3 months and got another job lined up. But still, never been so excited to quit something in my life.
-On that note, you know what’s super awesome? Getting a call that you’ve been selected for a job that you really wanted. And the girl on the other end of the line being just as squealy and excited as you are. And your best friend sitting across from you as you try not to burst into tears doing a dance and singing a song she made up about you quitting your job.
-Have I mentioned that I am currently a bridesmaid to the 3rd power? And that I love it so much. Can I be involved in weddings forever, please?
-Staying up until 1 o’clock in the morning, crying from laughing so hard at SNL skits and TV show bloopers with two of my favorite people in the world. I kept saying over and over again, I feel like I’m in college! Oh, and being able to sleep till 10 the next day.
-Designing business cards! It’s so much fun! I’m exciting about having something tangible & creative to hand to people to further my wedding business.
-My amazing friend Tara introduced me to the Sherwin Williams Colorsnap app yesterday. Y’all. You can take a picture of ANYTHING and it tells you what paint color it is. Like I wasn’t already addicted enough to color palettes and color schemes?! It’s amazing.

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