
awk + awe

-I never see my roommates. Which isn’t really that awkward, but the reason why kind of is. It’s because I’ve started going to bed at 9:00, y’all! Nine! I have become that friend that if you text her after 9:30, you’re going to get an answer the next morning. Plan accordingly.
- I would like someone to explain to me when I became such a wimp. Because I can’t remember it happening, but all the sudden I cry at/about everything. It’s completely out of control.  [i.e. I cried every single day last week. And I’m not PMSing.]
-My best friend left the country for a week. I almost forgot how to function without her to talk to everyday. When she got back on Monday I hugged her for a full 3 minutes and squeaked out that she can never leave me again. Drama queen.
-The panic I’m already feeling about bathing suit season. And not because I hate my body or anything unhealthy like that. Simply because I’m still convinced they’re never going to make a bathing suit top to contain this what’s happenin’ I’ve got up here. Cmon, y’all.  I want to be modest and cute at the same time! Help a girl out.

-J’s sweet cousin got engaged last night to the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. I read the twitter update announcing it in the Win Dixie parking lot, and proceeded to jump around like a fool and yell “I’m so happy for them! I’m so happy for them!” for a minute straight. And I refuse to put this under awkward, because it was awesome.
- I am a part of what I have decided is the best community group known to man. I’m just so blessed to be a part of something that is continually growing and looking more like Jesus wants us to every day. It’s amazing. Does your bible study talk about biblical zombies and have the most dysfunctional bible drills ever? No. Didn’t think so.
-You know those times in your life where you feel like you just can’t hear God? You almost feel like you’re straining to hear something, anything. But all you’re getting is silence. And you’re frustrated. And then BOOM, here he comes, rocking your world loud and proud. That. That is awesome.
-I’m sponsoring over at Lauren Nicole this March. She’s one of my favorite bloggers around, and is married to another one of my favorites. Go check her blog and my pretty button out. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just started following Lauren Nicole--she's the best! Glad you're sponsoring her.